Monday, January 17, 2011

Blog virginity- GONE. First Impressions.

Hmmm, how shall I introduce myself???
I don't truly believe in all this "first impression" crap (like every other thing in this world, there are exceptions), so I'll just start off with what I feel like blogging about today.

As i mentioned earlier, I believe that first impressions are bullshit. Why?
Mainly due to the fact that people deserve their freedom, and that changing their personality, appearance and behaviour for the sake of a "good first impression" is what i believe to be the equivalent, or close to a lie.
Of course, there are standards or "society's morals" that count too. You'd obviously think that a person with body piercings and tatoos would be labelled as a rebel, won't you? 
And assuming you're a boss of  a law firm, you wouldn't want someone like that working for you, nor would the clients be too eager.
Now this concludes that first impressions has its limits, when passed to a certain extent, people can judge freely and with probable certainty based on his looks.
Despite all this, I still believe everyone has the freedom to be as they wish, and still be regarded and respected as themselves; not frowned upon.

This ends my first blog :)
I know it's quite brief, but hopefully I'll dedicate myself to blogging.


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